Didn’t you already once desire to be in a fairy story with a genie in a bottle on your side, who always be there at your disposal?

We have assimilate this subservient genie in a bottle with our signet and it should be a symbol for our many-sided offer of service with which we always want to be on your side.

We accompany you to different events or on journey world-wide, we offer you ensurance and also any kind of protection, if you be in needed of this.

We are also your partner if you don’t find enough time to do many kind of jobs, not for one-time but also for long-lasting time or if you don’t feel like it should be.

We prepare and realize different kind of solutions promptly and absolutely reliable for your question, provide you with new ideas for the creation of special events or help you by your Daily routine jobs.

Use our longtime experience and our excellent contacts in the service sector.

A summary of our service offering you can find on the following sides.

If you have any further question please do not hesitate to contact us and tell us your whishes and your requirements.